Friday, November 30, 2007

In retrospect, I'm not sure why I ever thought an open changing station was a good idea. I've spent the better part of seven months imploring certain members of our family to please not throw the diapers, shoes, towels, etc. on the floor while mommy dries her hair.

Then we had this episode. She was quite proud of herself. It was quite amusing until Wednesday, when she wanted a new diaper and proceeded to climb to the top of the changing station and laid down, with diaper in hand.

Maybe I should get my own supply of 2-0 nylon.


Anonymous said...

This is the type of stuff you file away under "What not to do with the next baby". The first one is always the trial and error baby!

Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

I hope that you have not lost your skill at using 2-0. If you have just get your stapler and that will handle it. NOT!! Love Dad.