Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

The year is coming to an end. It's been quite an amazing year around here. I've been meditating on a new verse, Psalms 30:10-12 "Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me. O Lord, be my help. You have turned my wailing into dancing, you have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy that my heart may rejoice before you and be not silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." The Lord has done this in our lives. We have had some very dark moments this year, but our pain has turned to joy, our sadness to rejoicing. I am eternally grateful to Him and owe Him all the praise, and more.

Monday, December 28, 2009

While we were in China in March, we had the opportunity to visit the Philip Hayden Foundation and meet some of the children living there. I learned today that the young lady pictured in the pink hoodie passed away this month. It breaks my heart that there are so many children in such desperate need of families. I want to bring them all home!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas has come to an end. It's hard to believe last Christmas we were anxiously waiting to receive our final approval to adopt K. And now we are celebrating Christ's birth with him. We are truly blessed to have two wonderful children who bring us such joy and laughter each day. They have made our world so much fuller and I cannot imagine life without them.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We are having a fun, busy Christmas around here. I never did get them to sit still for a Christmas photo. Maybe on Christmas Day they will sit still for a picture. Okay, maybe not.

K had a school Christmas program that was a lot of fun. His class sang "Christmas don't be late". Each class did a song and the older kids did two songs. It was very fun to see all the children sing.

We loaded up for our annual trip to Bellingrath Gardens on Sunday. Phil proposed to me there and we really love it. It is so beautiful with all the different lights. I can't imagine their light bill!

Monday, December 07, 2009

The Christmas season has begun. Thus far we've decorated our tree, made cookies and had the Children's Choir Christmas program. J was an angel and I don't think there has ever been a more excited angel. She was thrilled about wearing a white dress and wings. K wasn't quite ready for a program. The kids did a really great job.

Bonus points if you can name the character on J's dress.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We went to Dreamy and Granddaddy's house with the whole crew and really enjoyed it. We put up the Christmas tree, an activity both kids loved. They keep asking when Christmas is. I need to get some advent calendars for them to count down with.

I have yet to download (or is it upload?) the photos from the weekend, but they will come.

I've been ruminating on Jer 29:11-14 for about 2 weeks. Not just the "God has plans" for you part, but that this is from a letter written to exiles telling them to settle down, build houses, make roots. They are not where they want to be, but God tells them, "this is my plan". The section ends with a promise to bring them back, but in between, He tells them to seek His face, seek it with all their hearts. It reminds me that there is always hope and that there is always comfort in seeking the Lord earnestly and honestly.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We went downtown Wednesday for the Veteran's Day Parade. We saw all our favorite things--Azalea Trail Maids, Firetrucks and Grandma and Paw Paw. It was a lot of fun. We also got to see the governor, which was really cool.

Our life seems to get busier and busier with more and more things to do. I suppose this only gets worse as they get older?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

We had a great time at the church's fall festival. J got to jump and jump and jump. She played some of the games this year and came home with her Easter bucket full of candy. Last year she jumped all night and came home with about five pieces of candy. I guess those days are over.

K had a blast. He played every game, some of them multiple times. He caught on fast to all the candy to be given out. He jumped and got a close look at the horses. He didn't ride one, though.

The pictures below are from the church picnic a couple of weeks ago. K got to ride in the pastor's jeep. In girl talk, it is an army green one. In boy talk, it is a restored one. I don't remember the model year. K talked about the ride for a long time and is totally ready to go again. Totally ready to drive...

I am doing a ladies Bible study at church this fall. It always intrigues me how each person will get something completely different out of a set of homework. We each have such different histories and perspectives. It has been insightful and enlightened to hear so many different voices.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We tried something new around our house this week--pumpkin carving. It was a first for the kids and daddy, too. J did not like the feel of the pumpkin insides. K thought it was great. I think they turned out pretty well.

I heard a song today that I've probably heard many times before, but never really listened to the words. It is called 'What it Feels Like", by FFH. The song is about having your perfect life fall apart and relying solely on God for everything, turning to Him and following His leading. What it feels like to find the peace and comfort of a loving Father. I think I noticed it today because the Bible study I'm doing was reflecting upon John 6:66-69, where Jesus asks the disciples if they want to leave Him, too. Peter responds, 'To whom shall we go, Lord? You have the words of life.' I love these verses. They remind me that even when life is falling apart, God is still sovereign and He remains the source of life.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby J, 2006

Today I was thinking about the preparations for our first trip to China. I saw a blog with a list of 10 important things to take to China that included Ziplock baggies. I dutifully packed two boxes worth of baggies for our trip, but I never did figure out what I was suppose to do with them. The boxes came back from China, crushed from being packed in a suitcase, but still carrying a full complement of bags. In retrospect, it is kind of funny. My entire parenting experience feels like those Ziplock baggies sometimes. I do "the right thing", not always sure why I do it, often failing miserably in the process. I try to fit the children into the mold of other people's children, dragging them to swim class, ballet, gymnastics, etc, forgetting they are unique individuals with unique needs. I also forget they were created by God, forged in His image, with His plan for them. I forget He blessed us with these wonderful creations, and that He has a plan for us in this process as well. I often feel crushed from the process, but I know God has not abandoned us; He is not silent and He will bring us through.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

We have made our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch. J loves the pumpkins. She talks about the pumpkin patch all year long. More than she talks about Christmas. She can tell you event-wise where it falls in the year. She can tell you she got bitten by ants last year and to watch out for the ants. She is sad when they go away. She is already planning her next outing to the pumpkins, as well as what size stroller we will need to carry her new acquisition. I love seeing the world through her eyes for awhile!

Friday, October 02, 2009

K went back to the eye doctor this week. He has new eye drops and we go back again in three weeks.

We play a lot of dress up at our house. Some of our recent acquisitions are supergirl and batman. I have yet to convince either one to be a hobbit, but daddy has them well on their way with superheros.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, September 25, 2009

Today was Happy Head Shot Day, the day my brother survived a gunshot to the head in Iraq three years ago. He was in his helicopter and came under fire. His helmet was ruined, but not him, Thank God.

K has a cane now. He has no depth perception and has a hard time ambulating in new places. He is learning to use it, but it is hard having spent so long without it.

J would not smile for any reason. None of the usual smile tricks worked, so here is a pensive Snow White wearing a cape my mother made for me.

The Princess Leia doo.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today is the six month anniversary of meeting K. It seems like it has been so much longer. I barely remember life before him. He continues to adjust to all the changes in his life, as do we all. They really are doing better as siblings and are having more 'usual' sibling rivalry.

I keep telling myself I am going to be more consistent with the blog and with taking pictures. I promise to try, really.

We have stuck our toes into the adoption waters again. Just testing the water right now...

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I seem to have once again fallen off the blog wagon. K has started school and seems to enjoy it. He is doing very well with English and is settling down more. We go back to UAB next month for more testing.

J stays home still. She is doing ballet and gymnastics this year.

They are getting along better and playing more together. It's been a rocky road this summer, but we hold to the belief that this is God's plan and trust in His sovereignty.

-- Post From My iPhone