Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today is the six month anniversary of meeting K. It seems like it has been so much longer. I barely remember life before him. He continues to adjust to all the changes in his life, as do we all. They really are doing better as siblings and are having more 'usual' sibling rivalry.

I keep telling myself I am going to be more consistent with the blog and with taking pictures. I promise to try, really.

We have stuck our toes into the adoption waters again. Just testing the water right now...


Sonyia said...

Oh my gosh! Stepping already : ) Do tell more!

Susan and Fred said...

What great pictures! I'm glad things are going more smoothly. Keith looks like he has really grown in 6 months! I know Jodi doesn't even look like the same child when we look back at her pictures. We can't believe how the time has flown either. God bless!


China Dreams said...

Glad to hear that things are still improving and, oh my stars! How exciting that you are looking into another "bundle of joy" already. But, of course, we know they don't come home overnight, don't we.