Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I seem to have once again fallen off the blog wagon. K has started school and seems to enjoy it. He is doing very well with English and is settling down more. We go back to UAB next month for more testing.

J stays home still. She is doing ballet and gymnastics this year.

They are getting along better and playing more together. It's been a rocky road this summer, but we hold to the belief that this is God's plan and trust in His sovereignty.

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

China Dreams said...

I'm sorry that you are being tested and hope that things continue to resolve themselves. My prayers go out to you and the children.

My favorite book is from the 1920s or very early 1930s, and this anonymous poem is in the insert (the book is called A Lantern in Her Hand). I thought you might appreciate the sentiment:

Because the road was steep and long,
and through a dark, uncharted land,
God placed upon my lips a song,
and put a lantern in my hand.