Thursday, March 27, 2008

Julianna and I returned from Grandma and PawPaw's today. We were greeted by a letter from the IRS informing us that they are auditing another year of taxes. Julianna might learn some choice words other than audit.
And now for a few highlights from our trip. We visited Uncle Don at work and got to sit in his helicopter. This is Uncle Don's seat.

From Easter, or as Nana calls it, Evey's Sister.
I have more to post, but I need some strong chocolate to recover from my IRS greeting. Good thing Lent is over...


Anonymous said...

It looks Julianna has the right look on her face for an audit. Love Don

starrde said...

The IRS again!?!?! Godiva makes some really nice dark chocolate!!

Love, Aunt Penny