Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Julianna has had a busy summer. She went to the beach and has been house hunting with Grandma and Paw Paw. She has also been buying new shoes. I planned to take the camera to the beach to document her first beach outing and the battery was dead. I resorted to a film camera, but now I have to finish up the roll and then take it to the store for developing, then scan them into the computer and then, finally, blog. Man, how old-fashioned.

The IRS has once again decided that they will not change our taxes. I still think that is not the best phrase for informing people of a positive outcome on their audit. At the risk of offending the IRS and inviting yet another audit, I would like to suggest the government send certain auditors to night college for remedial math classes. I will also offer them this little trick for remembering greater than/lesser than signs, the alligator mouth eats the bigger number. Can you sense my bitterness?

On a happier note, we had this conversation at dinner:

Julianna pointing to the dinner guests:

Uncle Don puts his poopy in the potty, Paw Paw puts his poopy in the potty, Grandma puts her poopy in the potty...

Julianna, however, does not


starrde said...

Julianna probably does not put her poopie in the pottie because Aunt Penny has the Elmo goes Pottie DVD at her house still. I think my kids were watching it the other day-guess they needed a refresher course...

Anonymous said...

you know for once this is one thing that not my fault. Of course there will come a day when mini-me, Jason or Julianna get in trouble for something and the first thing they will say is "Uncle Don said it was ok". But until then I can not be blamed for the poopy in the potty problems. Love Don