Thursday, November 06, 2008

Well, finally I am posting the Halloween pictures. Her Royal Highness had a good time at our Church's fall festival. She got to jump and jump and jump. We did very well in the candy department, in that she came home with three lollipops and one small bag of M&M's. Someday she will figure out that candy is to be had for the asking. May that day be many moons away.

There was a cake decorating contest as part of the festival. The guidelines were to bring your favorite pumpkin creation. Around here, our favorite pumpkin is the one a fairy godmother turns into a carriage.

Julianna and I had quite the conversation yesterday morning, like around 9 am:

J:Want candy
Me: You may have candy after your nap.
J:No after nap. Want candy.
Me: I'm sorry, that's the rules. You can have candy after your nap.
J:NO, no rules.

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