Monday, February 23, 2009

I found out today that for the in China flights, we can only check one bag and have one carry on item. Since we did not do in China flights last time, it was a surprise. So, I decided to do a dry run on the packing to see if it would all fit and if we needed to revise the three packing lists I currently have. Here is the starting point, minus Keith's clothes, which have been packed for a couple of weeks and repacked about five times now (twice just today).

And here is the finish point. Keith's suitcase is actually in the bigger one. Now I don't want to have to unpack it all, but unless I do some speed laundry, someone will be short undies real soon.
This is a bit of nostalgia. It is my attempt to get Julianna's clothes packed for our first trip to China. Sarah had other plans. It is bittersweet to see all those little clothes packed up for our first adventure in parenting.

1 comment:

starrde said...

You could always run to wal-mart for new undies...