Monday, July 06, 2009

A lot has happened since I last updated the blog. Keith had his follow-up appointment with the ophthalmologist. His corrected vision (with glasses) is somewhere between 20/100 and 20/200. For perspective, the big E at the top of a vision chart is 20/200. With glasses, he can see that line. The next line is 20/100. He cannot see that line. Without glasses, he walks into walls. Legally blind is best corrected vision of 20/200, so he is close but not quite legally blind. He is going to have an exam under anesthesia of his eyes on August 7. I have spent a good deal of time over the last month on the phone with the public school system trying to get him evaluated and into the regional blind school. It has thus far been a very frustrating and irksome process.

He is doing quite well with learning English. He has trouble with concepts and words that sound similar, like Sunday and Someday. Overall, though, he communicates with us very well.

He is better bonded to daddy than mommy still, but at least doesn't cry when daddy leaves anymore.

J is now four, which is hard to believe. She continues to have sleep issues. She remains our little princess.

These are from the beach this weekend. K looks like he is surfing on his own in the top, but in the bottom, you can see Paw Paw holding the back. They both had a great time. J liked being in the water more than K.
A lot of other stuff has happened that I'm still processing, some of which still makes me very mad. I think some things are beyond repair, but time will tell.

I'm listening to a sermon where the speaker says we should use all that happens to us as a witness. I've spent a lot of time mulling this sermon. I've been uncertain about the direction of the blog for months and maybe it's time to turn the focus a little.

Overall, I believe that our adoptions have been the road God wants us on and overall I believe all that has happened has been His sovereign plan. The struggle, though, is seeing that sovereignty in the daily battles and seeing His plan in the hurtful times. It's the point where faith becomes reality.

This morning the kids were driving me a little crazy and I passed through the kitchen and saw the above. It was quite endearing, somehow, and reminded me how much fun they add to my life, even during the battles.


Sonyia said...

I'm glad to see you posted! At least I can keep up with you some on Facebook. I'm well over a month in updating Kaiden's blog. I know I need to do that soon. Your comment about being mad, well, I think I know where you are. Kaiden's health is no where near where we were told he was at. But, as you said, we know it's all God's plan for us. The past 2 years have been quite a roller coaster but I wouldn't change it for anything, even as stressful as it's been and looks like it will continue to be.

MommaNecey said...

My girls went to the Mobile Preschool for the Sensory Impaired. I'm very proud for you that you are looking into the Regional School. You are a great father to be so proactive. Not all parents are like that! :)