Friday, June 13, 2008

We have been cleaning up the house and for now the camera is not easily accessible. I wanted, however, to relay a lovely conversation I had with Julianna. I was picking her up from Vacation Bible School and we had this exchange:

Mom: How was VBS?
Nana (loudly): Get down!!!
Mom: Get down from where?
Nana: The table

At this point, her teacher interjects "Julianna is a little climber."


starrde said...

A more gentle reminder for Julianna is that "feet belong on the floor"-I just had to laugh at that post!!

Anonymous said...

"feet belong on the floor" when did that start? That's news to me. Why am I always the last to know important life lessons like this. I getting to old to start learning things like this now. Love Don