Thursday, August 21, 2008

I like to think that Julianna is adjusting to the rules and is learning good behavior. Then we have conversations like this:

Julianna discussing supper with Grandma and PawPaw, while Mommy and Daddy were out:

Mommy:What did you eat?
J:Chicken and fries.
J:Eat chicken first, then eat fries
Mommy:That's right, you eat your chicken first, then you can have fries.

About now I'm feeling pretty good about her learning delayed gratification. That is, until I confirm supper with Grandma, who cannot recall Julianna eating any chicken, but did see her put away a fair number of fries. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

As you can see in the two photos that some how "Unle Don said it was alright". Not that it is too soon to start learning how to drive. If you look real close Julianna does have her sit belt on. That's always a plus. Now if I can just find some phone books for her to sit on and a way for her to push the gas then she would be set. And last but not least I didn't know that you could get chicken with fries. When did that start? Love Don

starrde said...

You know they now make Chicken Fries. You can find them in the freezer section of your local grocer along with all the other pressed, breaded chicken products. Julianna could have both chicken and fries in one course!

Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

What's a "freezer section" and a "grocer"? They are new words to me. I knew I should have study more in school. Love Don