Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm trying very hard not to whine, not to meltdown and spew impolite comments, but this paperchase is driving me crazy. I went to get the county certificates on our papers yesterday and one of the notaries was done wrong. This is the second time this notary has had to redo an improperly notarized paper. I caught the first one, but this time, the signature did not match the one on file with the county. It is very frustrating and every time it has to be redone puts us another week from being DTC.
Nana needs a hairbow. I need some good, stiff chocolate.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. God's has his reasons for everything. It's not fun some times. It can be down right hard. I think of Noah and Job. I only real advice I can give you is some advice someone gave me one time when I was having to dill with frustrating people. It goes like this "make sure when you wave you use all five of your fingers. If not your no better then they are and they have won." It made since to me after I thought about it for awhile. And is stiff chocolate stiff because of starch? Love Don

starrde said...

No, stiff chocolate is the kind I buy dad around Christmas time from the commissary. It is imported from Germany.

