Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Every time I see her on the bike like this, I think she looks like she is ready to jump a Harley and tour the country.

It has been a strange day around our house. Julianna has suddenly decided that she does not like to have her diaper changed. She cries and whines all the way to the changing table, then sits quietly on the table. I guess she is exerting some toddler power. The other strange thing today involved Miss Kitty. She needed a bath and for the first time Julianna complained about the separation. She does not even play with her all that much during the day, but was very upset that I took her out of the crib and put her in the washer. It was just so weird. Right now she is wailing like a banshee for no apparent reason. Ah, the joys of toddlers.


AaronS said...

Toddler power. Arbitrary and absolute. Fortunately, parents get a veto now and again but wow does it come at a steep price.

AaronS said...

By the time I'm ready to parent a toddler Calliope will be 14. I've heard that the teen years are pretty easy, though.