Thursday, August 02, 2007

I have not taken any new pictures this week. Totally without excuse.

Julianna has picked up a new word--"poo poo". It was really strange to hear her say it and to use it in proper context. It is not one that I have really been working on her learning, I just say it when I'm changing her diaper or to explain the purpose of toilets. Yesterday, she starting saying poo poo, and guess what, she needed a new diaper. She did it again today. She is starting to notice when she needs a new diaper and is starting to request changes. She is also not real excited about wearing diapers anymore. I had to put her in a pull up yesterday because she flat out refused the regular diaper. I'm hoping this signals the beginning of toilet training, but she is still quite young so I'm not going to pressure her about it. I'm just going to enjoy hearing about her adventures rather than smelling them. That was really bad. I think I'll send myself to time out.

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