Monday, July 30, 2007

Julianna had her dedication yesterday. The dress got finished on Saturday night, but not at midnight, so I had plenty of time to spare. I'm going to get some formal photos done in the dress.
Julianna has finally learned "no". Sigh. It is not her favorite word and half the time she does not use it in proper context. All in good time, I suppose. Mostly we are just thrilled that she is using words at all. She tried a sentence this week. It was "garble, garble cracker". This was progress over her usually which is "cracker" in continually increasing tones. Hopefully we will soon be saying "I would like a cracker please, mommy" (I can at least dream).


Anonymous said...

Hi! Sherry, Julianna looks beautiful!! You did a great job on the dress; Wish we had been there. Look forward to seeing the pictures.
We had a good trip to West Monroe, LA. We had 70 at the family reunion. Charles' mother--95 yrs. is doing good.
Mary Ellen P.

Living Life Happy said...

Aw, she looks gorgeous!