Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mommy, your books don't have any duck pictures!!

Julianna has discovered that mommy likes to read books and that mommy likes to read books to her. This has lead to a new game around our house. When I am occupied in a task that does not involve her, she will get a book and come ask me to read it to her. And by read, I mean look at about four pages before she tries to take over the project or get down. In some ways it is good because she is learning to sit in my lap and read and also because it means she wants to be with mommy, which makes me happy.

We are having a word explosion around here. She is attempting lots of words and picking up more and more. She is also starting to use them for requests. Yesterday she asked for an apple and when we are out and she is ready to go home, she will starting saying house. The funniest word so far is "R2", which is has not quite mastered, but she is trying.

In my prolonged attempted to write this blog, we have now completely read through a book, cover to cover in one setting. (Plus three or four partial readings).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Sherry, Love the pictures. Julianna is getting prettier, everyday. I have loved the blog. I look "OFTEN".
We will be out of town this week-end. Hate we will miss church Sunday. Hope someone will take pictures. How is her dress coming along? I want to see, her in it.
Love, Mary Ellen P.