She is working really hard on her words. The new ones are cheese, diaper, bath, bike, truck. We are trying to do sign language with her as well, but it is slow because half the time we have to look the symbol up in the book before we can use it. I think we will have to start sooner with baby #2 and learn it before we have the little one. We had not planned to use it with Julianna, but she is acquiring spoken language slower than we had anticipated.
The tech whiz has just discovered the Nintendo. Wonder if they still make games for the Super Nintendo version?
Maybe she will have her own blog at Christmas.
This is totally a staged picture. She tossed the hat every time I put it on her head, so Grammy would get all focused and ready and I would drop the hat on for a quick photo before the toss.
Baby number 2??? Are you already planning for the next one???
Hat on. Hat off. Hat on. Hat off.
Starla and I are all to familiar with this.
At the age she is, it is very normal for her to not want to sit still for a book to be read to her. No need to worry about that.
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