Thursday, July 21, 2011

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Dr. Sun Yat-Sen is considered the father of Modern China.
Today was another sight seeing day. We went to the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum. It is a lot of stairs, which sounds like it wasn;t enjoyable, but it was very nice. I learned, however, that a black baby carrier in the hot sun is very hot. Baby was hot and unhappy. We had to take her out and carry her in our arms.

Two things happened overnight. Baby found her voice. She was absolutely silent on Monday and Tuesday, yesterday we got some crying, but today she has more vocalizations. No true words, but no more silence. She will sometimes say bye bye. The other change was a sudden mommy preference. No more holding by daddy or playing with him. It is another good bonding step, but makes the days more challenging. I keep telling myself someday everyone will go to college and I can go to the bathroom alone.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear Baby E is moving rapidly along the bonding path, especially with all of the recent changes in her world. So much for the little one to experience, and it's wonderful that she has seasoned and patient parents to make it as smooth as possible for her.

Renee V.

Anonymous said...

You can only go by yourself until you become a grandmother, then it is all over again. Mom

patricia said...

Just read your blog and thought it was so very inspiring. You have some real cuties there. I know they will have a great life. I plan to visit every time I come to Mobile so look for me. In the meantime, I plan to keep looking at your blog!