Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Today was a free day and we went sight seeing. We went to the Confucius Temple grounds this morning, but not the temple itself, early, since E thought a good wake up time would be 5 am. It is close to the hotel we are at. We have actually walked over there several times, but finally took the camera today. It is usually very crowded with tourists and hawkers. People pay to put these red ribbons onto a gold tree. I'm not sure why, but it is really pretty.

The grounds are near a river and the dragons are on the wall across from the temple. It is suppose to be very pretty at night, with lights and lanterns.

We also went to the city gate, which is pretty much what it sounds like, an ancient city gate. The bricks have sayings or poetry written on them.

Happy Baby! We are having a pretty good day. E has turned into a velcro baby, and is not very happy away from mom. But, she does still let dad hold her and play with her, giving mom some breaks. She is grumpy at sleep times and will pitch a royal fit about laying down. She is also eating a little better today. She had pretty much only done bottles since we received her Monday, but today she ate quite a bit at breakfast and lunch. We still are not sure what to feed her and even bought some baby food. Shopping in the chinese markets is always a challenge. We thought we bought some mushed up pears. There were lovely pears on the jar. And lots of chinese text. What we really got was pear juice (which has been summarily rejected by the princess). We did better on our second run and came home with actual baby food, which was thought yummy at dinner but blech at breakfast.

We've been working on this adoption for almost 19 months. I bought this bib for Uncle Don probably half way through the process. It used to say he was hot and single, but we had to alter that to hot and taken. You still owe her a quarter.


Anonymous said...

Hi! Sherry, Phil, Baby E looks happy. Love the picture of her, Sherry holding her. Glad things are going so well.
Thinking about ya'll.
Many hugs,
Mary Ellen

Anonymous said...

The ribbons represent prayers, and the monks sell them to passersby. We did one for Cole when we were there. Oddly enough, when we walked the street at night, the tree was really full, and later stored for the night. In the early morning on the next day, it is mostly empty again...
Don't you just love that walking street? We spent a lot of time there, even in the evenings. There is opera in front of the dragons at night sometimes, and lots of lights that fascinated Cole.
Glad to see you are getting to enjoy yourselves and baby E! She is just adorable!
Renee V.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I know our kids are not from the same exact place, but Cole also ate nothing but bottles when we got him. The swore he ate McDonalds fries, but no dice, nothing was going in his face, and sometimes not even the bottle ;-( He actually tried his first bite of yogurt on the plan home- he got curious about Dad's breakfast.

Miss you guys, and hope the rest of the trip is smooth! The boys are enchanted with the baby already after seeing the pics, and ask about her often.

Renee V.