Monday, January 15, 2007

11 pm in Australia

The first day is almost complete in Australia. The men's number 30, number 27 and number 4 seeds went down to Americans. The American women took out the 27 seed. Tennis has become a worldwide sport. While there are 43 participants from the United States, there are also 7 participants from Isreal, one from Tunisia, one from Cyprus, one from Puerto Rico and ten from China. There are an additional six participants from Chinese Tiapei. During last years season, Zi Yan and Jie Zheng captured the Women's Doubles title at both the Australian Open and the Championships at Wimbledon. As for successful Chinese-Americans, there is Micheal Te Pei Chang, who was the youngest man to win a Grand Slam title when he won the French Open in 1989. We've got to find Julianna a racquet.

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