Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day. Julianna and her daddy have gone to visit his parents, so mommy has the afternoon to herself. Now I have to come up with "what I've been wanting to do but could not because of the baby". Unfortunately, my favorite fabric store is closed. Cannot really go to the movies because I still have to take call and would most likely spend the entire time in the lobby answering calls. I'm not really in the mood to sew after the sewing machine ripped a huge whole in the dedication dress (the needle got embedded in the bobbin plate, which had slipped out when I put the embroidery hoop on. Sigh). No good tennis matches on. I guess I'll just take a nap.

This is Julianna in one of Cousin Jessica's dresses. It is a six/nine month size. She picked the red shoes. I had her in white ones for about five minutes and she exercised her option of selecting her own footwear. The band aid is for no particular reason. She does have boo boos on both knees, but they are healing nicely. She just wanted a band aid. I think it is cute that she is all decked out in a frilly dress and socks but has rough-n-tumble knees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute and precious. Dressed up with scratched up knees reminds of you when you were a kid and playing soccer when we were stationed in Germany. One mother made a comment about how cute you were in your soccer uniform and with earrings in you ears. Love, Mom