Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Championships at Wimbledon have begun. I have watched a little tennis while Julianna plays in the TV room. Her patience runs thin after about half an hour, so no complete matches. She still does not have a lot of independent play, so it is a lot of her getting in and out of my lap and bringing me things to look at/play with. Eventually the excitement runs out and we have to find new activities. She has toys in the room, but finds anything on the computer table more interesting. Right now she is running around with a software disc. I guess the good thing about not watching much of Wimbledon is that it spares me having to listen to John McEnroe bemoan the loss of serve/volleyers in the game. The world is dominated by base liners. Life changes. Move on.

Things are pretty good around our house. Our biggest issues continues to be night time. We still think she is having night terrors, nightmares or both. Some nights she is up a couple of times and some nights she is up every two hours. We got an article yesterday about night terrors. It said you should wake them up either 15 minutes before their terrors if they are consistently at the same time or 30 minutes after you put them to bed if not. It is suppose to break the sleep cycle and prevent. We tried the 30 minute wake up last night and had a good night. Need some more data points before deciding that it made a difference.

The word of the week is defiance. I still wonder how much she understands, especially after putting her in the time out chair three times in a row for the same offense. She will get out of the chair, head straight to the stove and turn knobs. Back to the chair. Sometimes she pokes her lower jaw out in clear defiance and commits the offense. Sometimes she just seems to be going about the business of play and falls into forbidden territory.

The pictures are from her birthday. Doesn't every two year old need a tennis racket? Notice it is Wilson, like mommy, not Prince, like daddy.

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