Friday, June 01, 2007

Today is just one of those frustrating parenting days. Julianna was so tired at nap time that she could not keep her eyes open, but still managed to fight sleep for an hour and a half. Strong willed indeed. It is frustrating because I feel like I don't know what the right thing to do is. Do we walk out and let her fall asleep on her own? Do we sit in the room with her (she thinks this is an invitation to play)? Rock her? Stroke her arm and back (forty minutes today)? I just do not know and it is driving me crazy.

The camera is still by the computer from the last photo download, so no new pictures. Poor kid.

1 comment:

AaronS said...

If you find the one that works let us know. Yesterday Calliope played in her crib for 2 hours instead of a nap. Then she got mad at us that evening because she hadn't taken a nap.