Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hello readers, this is Phil talking. I just wanted to say that we have our plane tickets and dates for travel to China to pick up Julianna. We'll be leaving on March 30th and the Airport Party will be April 14th at 9AM—so ya'll come on out!

Sheesh, I sound like I'm doing a radio remote broadcast from Palmer's Toyota don't I? Anyhoo, them's the dates. For the airline geeks out there, I'll be recording the Airlines, tail numbers and types of plane we'll be flying on. Probably won't blog about that, but you can email me. Crossing my fingers for a 747.

Now then, what else.... let's see....well I guess that's the problem with blogging, if you do it every day there isn't much to say. Don't forget to pray for us and especially for Julianna. Thanky!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, and praying!!! Will see yall at the airport party. We cannot wait to read your blog while you guys are in China.

Melody, Doug and Kali