Wednesday, March 28, 2007

One thing that really irritated me during this whole adoption process was seeing pregnant teenagers. It would just set off something in my brain. To combat this, I decided to memorize Psalms 73. The purpose was to remind me not to envy them. But I realized that I was turning it into an accusation against God—I would recite the part about swift judgement and the psalmists commentary on living pure yet still suffering and puff myself up and say "that's right, they deserve swift punishment and I deserve better because I do the right things". Yet I would miss the part about God's mercy, about His constant presence and guidance. I was asking for Him to be merciful to me, while at the same time, sitting on a hill like Jonah, I was waiting to see the fire reign down from heaven. I forgot the more important verses, the ones that say no one is righteous, that all have fallen short and that everything I have is a gift from God. Even His patience during my stupidity.

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