Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We have our itinerary!! Our Gotcha Day will be 4/2/07. We will be visiting her orphanage on 4/6/07. Wow!

I realized today how little we know about parenting. We had received two tubes of toddler toothpaste as shower gifts. They had this very cute bear and duck on the box. Who knew toddlers needed their own toothpaste? But worse yet, the cute bear and duck are from a book series, one I have never heard of. Yikes. Our poor kid would have been using the fluoridated toothpaste with no cute bear...


Anonymous said...

Parenting all comes together when you have that little one in your arms! You guys are going to be great!

Kali loves her toothpaste. She fights us to keep the toothbush. Colgate has a very small toothbrush that has a ladybug on it. Kali does very well with that small one. The ages on it, started at zero, which I thought was a little strange!!

Looking forward to meeting your little one. April 2nd, is my friend's little girl's birthday. Funny, she is having a Hello Kitty party on the 1st and I know we will be thinking about Julianna at her party because of the Hello Kitty on your website.

God Bless you guys!!

Melody, Doug and Kali

Anonymous said...

What is the book series represented on the toothpaste box? You and your siblings had to settle for the cheap stuff - no characters there. Love, mom

Anonymous said...

The series is Little Bear by Else Minarik. Sherry