Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are a few random thoughts while we are waiting to go to the Great Wall.

Keith did not know we were coming to adopt him. He received his care package and photo book when he met us. They had opened them, taken out the cameras and taken photos of him around the orphanage, but he did not receive anything until we showed up. They brought him and his stuff down together.

I did quite well guessing on clothes sizes (size 5, for the curious), all except the socks, which are too small. We have not been able to find socks, even at the Carre Four. He is in serious need of medium white socks (hint, hint).

The Ladies Bible Study at church was doing Esther when we left. I was thinking about it this morning, how the ladies were taken in for 'one night with the king' and then a decision was made about their acceptability as queen. Well, we received Keith on Sunday and on Monday we went to Civil Affairs and had to decide if he was acceptable for our family. In less than 24 hours, we had to figure out if he would fit in our family and if we could deal with his medical issues, which are clearly more severe than we were told. (Which leads to a side note of, how could they not notice his vision impairment? It took us less than five minutes to realize he holds things one inch from his face to see it, yet his medical report states normal vision.) Anyway, the bible study was really focused on the sovereignty of God and His timing in everything, His unseen hand orchestrating events. I also listened to a sermon podcast this morning and one phrase really stuck out 'trust the process', trust that what God is doing is His perfect plan, even when the way seems wrong. I guess both of these kind of gelled in my brain this morning and reminded me that even though things are worse than expected and the road is quite hard right now, it is God's sovereign plan and I need to trust Him that the process is right.

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