Monday, March 16, 2009

Today was paperwork day for the adoption. Keith is constantly trying to take care of Julianna. He thinks she needs to wear more clothes and shoes. He is forever bringing her socks and sweaters to put on. We are absolutely roasting here. We checked out the weather channel before we left and expected a cool spring, but it is hideously hot. I don't think we will need a single sweater and I so carefully packed and repacked them all.

Julianna tolerates Keith. I don't think it will really set in until we are home that he is here to stay.

Sorry, no pictures today.


starrde said...

AAwww he is trying to be a good big brother already! How is his English? How are mom and dad doing? Looking forward to more posts and photos!

Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the info about Keith. We wish we could all be there to see what you see and hear what you hear. Keep posting every detail. We love you! Rachel

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Julianna will have a Big Teddy Bear to love on!!!
-Steve J.