Thursday, April 05, 2007

All the children in the group have the two fist issue. They all like to hold something in each fist at all times. They are all gradually loosing the trait. Julianna will sometimes still do it. She mostly does it with food and will break a cracker in half so that she has part in each hand if she only has one. This is her with a cracker in each hand. She was sitting facing me, leaning against my chest. She would eat off the cracker in the hand she was facing and when she would flip her head, she would eat off the other cracker. It was very cute.
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Anonymous said...

Sherry & Phil, I love this picture, the most. But, I love being able to see ALL of the pictures. Julianna maybe use to only women taking care of her. My great neice, wouldn't go to her Daddy for a while. But, now she wants him All the time. Be patient, she'll come around.
Love, Mary Ellen P.

Teresa Persons said...

I love this photo!

I would think the "two fist" thing provides the children some degree of control and comfort.

I just can't wait to see you three and get lots of hugs!
Teresa, Milton and Mikayla