Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Here is the mommy commentary on yesterday's outing to the orphanage. First, I'll say I'm glad I went because it gave me a little insight into why she does some of the things she does. I am also glad we went to her finding place. She was not actually found in Gaoming. She was found at a market in a little town nearby. It was an outdoor market in a square with live animals and fresh produce and on the edge is a store, kind of like a 5 and dime place. That's where she was. It makes me wonder if her biological family brought her from the country to the market, but we will never know. At least when she is older we can show her the photos and tell her what we know.

I was a little bit surprised that she did not let the nannies hold her. I was expecting her to find them somehow familiar and comforting and want to be with them instead of me. I think that in her mind, she was terrified I was going to leave her with them. The other Gaoming girl did better after awhile and did let them hold her. There were four girls in the orphanage with Julianna all about the same age. We have one photo of the cohort from January. The nannies lined up the two who are awaiting their families and the other adopted Gaoming girl for a repeat photo. Julianna did not want to participate. I sat her down for like three seconds, long enough for one photo and the result is her at full scream and the other three looking at her. The nannies also told us which child was Julianna best buddy in the orphanage and we got one photo of them together, sort of. It is a photo of me holding Julianna and a nanny holding her buddy. We are going to have to meet her buddy's family someday so they can keep in touch.

I still think that all in all, things are getting better. We are getting better at knowing what she wants, but still have a long way to go. She still we not go to Phillip. I seriously doubt she will be up to letting anyone hold her at the airport, so be prepared. I am looking forward to being home and beginning her on a regular schedule. I think that will help things along even more.

On the lighter side, I brought CS Lewis' The Horse and His Boy to read to Julianna as she goes to sleep. I have not been consistent with it. I brought it because it is my favorite book and right now it is more about her hearing language than about her understanding the story. It is a great story with a wonderful spiritual theme. We also brought a Veggie Tales Bible story book. It was a total impulse buy the day we left. Last night I sat down to read her one of those and she was fascinated by turning pages. She would flip the pages and close the book and then start all over. No reading occurred, but hopefully we have a book lover in the making.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right....when you get on a regular schedule here at home, you will probably start seeing her come out of her shell and her personality will blossom. You have been blessed!
We send our love!
Steve, Chris, Andi, & Wesley

Anonymous said...

Did you happen to go to Mingcheng? That is where my daughter Lucy was found back in 1998 at an outdoor market. As a Gaoming mom, I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Your daughter is just beautiful and your family looks very happy. I hope you have a safe journey home.
Heidi Reitz

Anonymous said...

Sherry and Phil -- I am so happy for you and Julianna. What a sweet family you make! Scott and I have been keeping track of you and wishing we were there too. I thank God for each step she takes toward attachment to you both. We can't wait to see you on Saturday.
Love, Leah

Anonymous said...

Hey Sherry. My eyes are clouded with tears. I have had to catch up on the blogs tonight. With my schedule and all, I haven't been able to catch them all so quickly. I am so happy for you and Phil and I am so moved by the tremendous transformation Julianna must be going through. I know it is most difficult to listen to her cries and not know just how to console her or what must be going through her mind. But, it seems that her little heart is irreversibly connected with yours. It seems that you are such a natural. You have great strength and patience as well as kindness and discernment. ( I have seen you with Andi ) Please know that I am eagerly awaiting Julianna's arrival. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences. ( The blog can only handle so much. ) Speaking of which, I am getting long-winded. Sorry. Take care of yourselves and see the 3 of you soon.
p.s. your mom says the cats (esp. Baby) are doing fine. just thought you would want to know.

Anonymous said...

Looks like our plans have changed for this weekend so we are excited that we now can be at the airport to help welcome you home -- and to meet Miss Julianna! What a wonderful life God has planned for her.
Bob & Judy

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys!! We're praying for you. She is SO beautiful! Look forward to seeing you and meeting her when you get back.

Michael, Brooke, and Sam Lenz