Friday, April 20, 2007

One last photo from China. At the end of every adoption trip, it is traditional for the families in the travel group to do a "red couch photo". Basically, you line the kids up on one of the big red couches in the lobby of the White Swan and take a photo of them. This is as close as Julianna got to the red couch. That is it below my knee. The rest of the photos are of the other kids on the couch and me behind the couch with Julianna. She was not alone in her couch phobia. There are two other mommies doing the same thing.

Things continue to get slowly better. She only woke up once last night and only cried a short amount of time. She is also starting to sit in a room with me and play while I do things, like make the bed. She is still not willing to let me out of the room and is not going to Phillip. She started kissing her teddy bears today. It is very cute. She sucks her lips in instead of puckering out and kisses them on the nose. She also tried to mimic hair combing, except she had the comb upside down. She hates having her hair neat. As soon as I comb it, she runs her hands through it to make it messes again. She has also mastered pulling out pony tail holders.

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