Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mommy finally has time to blog. It is so different being home. At the hotel, I could sit at the desk and blog when Julianna went to sleep and still know if she woke up, but at home, I have to climb the stairs to the computer and leave her downstairs and it never seems to work. Right now she is napping up here, so I have a free moment.

Julianna is still very clingy. She is warming up to Phillip and will play with him for a good while, as long as I am still in the room. This has let me catch a couple of naps while they play. She is still having trouble sleeping at night. I think part of it is she is afraid we will leave her while she sleeps, so she likes to have mommy as near as possible. Hopefully this will improve as she adjusts to us and her new surroundings.

Her personality is coming out more and more. She is definitely a strong-willed child. She can scream and kick with the best of them if she does not get her way. We are trying to not feed the tantrums and they do seem to be getting shorter, if not any less loud. She is also making more babbling noises and can do "Ba" quite well. We are trying to work on other consonants, like "da" and "ma". We are also trying to teach her "meow" for the cats. She is enjoying playing with her toys and we are trying to break her of the habit of throwing them. We assume that it was an attention getting method in the orphanage, so we are trying more positive interactions and not retrieving toys she tosses.

She ate her first fortune cookie last night. Her fortune was "You are pretty".


Anonymous said...

Sherry, Thanks, for putting an up date. I was wondering how things were going? Sounds like ya'll are "wonderful" parents. Julianna is a lucky girl. She will get better with things, as time goes on. You are handling things well. Most of us have to learn by doing. All children are different and they WILL--try you. Many HUGS to ya'll, Mary Ellen P.

Anonymous said...

What tremendous labor pains we adoptive parents endure.Days, weeks, months, sometimes years. But, God has given you Julianna to love, take care of, and teach right from wrong. What an awesome responsibility we have as parents.God bless you all. Melanie A.

AaronS said...

I'm glad to hear Julianna is feeling ever more comfortable with her new family and surroundings. I can hardly wait to see her personality blossom. After witnessing a couple of her tantrums it was obvious there was a lot she had to say stored up inside. She's going to be something else.