Monday, April 30, 2007

We had a really good day on Saturday. Julianna decided that perhaps her daddy was not all that bad and let him hold her and play with her. She even sat with him without crying while mommy showered. They played with the band aids, which I think may be her favorite toy in the whole house. She was stuffing them in her pants pockets on Saturday. This is her concentrating on the box.
Sunday, however, was an absolutely miserable day for everyone. We woke her up for church and probably rushed her a bit more than she is used to in the morning. This resulted in a very grumpy morning. Not even her band aids would soothe her.

Then it was off to church, which completely threw off her morning play routine, as well as snack time. About half way through the worship service she was completely exhausted, but would not sleep in a strange place, even though I stayed with her in the nursery the whole time. We put her in the car to come home and she was asleep before I turned the car on. Once we get home, she has not eaten, and is completely exhausted, all of which results in the worst temper tantrum we have had in weeks. Plus mom is pretty tired of going to church just to sit in the nursery for hours on end. I could sit at home with a happy baby if I'm not going to get any worship in. I know someday she will go to the nursery herself, but for now, we are going to have to change our Sunday routine.

Today has been a mixture. She is into everything now, which results in mommy telling her "no" more often and setting off temper tantrums. I would not let her turn on the stove and was thanked by a thirty minute scream-a-thon. We are at a loss as to how to handle them. We have tried ignoring them, but they can go on forever. We usually end up picking her up and taking her to another part of the house and distracting her, but worry that it will ultimately make them worse. We want her to learn that pitching a fit is not an effective way of dealing with a situation, but feel like we are fighting what she learned in the orphanage, where the loudest baby is probably the one who got attention.

This is her in her new smaller shorts. A couple of minutes later they were completely off her backside. We got her even smaller shorts and today those were around her ankles. I may just dress her in bubbles until she grows a little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures....glad she is trusting her daddy more. Andi is going through all of what Julianna is going through except at an older age. You do find ways to deal with the tantrums. The kids do get tired of screaming eventually. Wouldn't you? We feel your pain. Hang in there. We praying for you guys.