Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today was quite the day and much happened. This morning we went to Baiyun Mountain, which is basically this mountain in the middle of the city that you can walk up to see vistas of the city. I'll leave commentary on that for Phillip. I will say that there is a Police station at the top of the mountain. We got a golf cart ride part of the way and walked the rest. Julianna was in her stroller and fell asleep while we walked. When we got to the top, she woke up, disoriented and started screaming and kicking and screaming. Loud, crowd-attracting screams. People actually stood around and watched us try to console her. It was absolutely horrible. We finally got her to stop kicking enough to go back in the stroller and start the walk down. She fell back asleep. I was not the most fun I've had.

For lunch, we went to a busy, loud, crowded Brazilian restaurant with most of the group. There was a long table with several high chairs set up. Julianna went into her high chair without difficulty, but we could tell she was scared. She got very quiet and clung to her water bottle and rattle more tightly and just looked around. It struck me that she does not realize that she can turn to us for comfort when she is afraid. I took her out of the high chair and put her in my lap and she felt better in a while. I guess we are sometimes that way with God. We put on our brave face and endure the world rather than turn to Him for help.

Dinner, however, was the highlight of our trip so far. We went to Lucy's, which is becoming our favorite place simply because you can order a hamburger or grilled cheese. Nothing like a hamburger to remind you of home. We sat outside, partly because it is absolutely beautiful today, and partly because the patio of the restaurant opens to a large park and you can walk a fussy baby around. We were waiting for our food and Julianna played with us. We started by rolling her sippy cup to her and she would push it back. Then the cup got sat up and she pushed it over. This started a new game—you set up the cup, I knock it over. We started saying "oops" every time she knocked it over and before long, she was saying something very close to "oops" with us. Made our whole trip to hear her interact with us on such a level. The day ended with us actually getting smiles out of her.

We still dread the airplane trip home because she will be waking up in a strange place, so you can add that to your prayer list.

Despite today's progress, she still does not go to Phillip, so don't expect much interaction at the airport.


Anonymous said...

It won't be long now until you will be home! Can't wait to see you all three. As much as I would love to hold Julianna, I promise to behave myself at the airport; I will wait until she is ready for Grandma to hold her. Julianna is sooooo beautiful. Did I say that before?
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Julianna will react when she sees other children, such as mine in Phil's arms? Hopefully that will help her warm up to him. She is probably show the other kids that is her daddy and she will let them know that they can't have her daddy. That will happen one day and it will be great! Have a restful night.

Anonymous said...

We will be thinking and praying for you and Julianna on your plane ride home. We hope it goes smoothly. We can't wait to see you guys. Wish we could be there Saturday but John is in a wedding, out of town. We will be thinking of you.
Nancy, John, and John Charles Erwin

Anonymous said...

Sherry & Phillip,
We have enjoyed reading your blog each day. We have prayed for each of you each day and that the bonding process will get a little easier. We look forward to seeing each of you when you get home.
Roy & Linda

Anonymous said...

Phillip, Sherry, and Julianna

We are praying for ya'll and are so happy for your family. We will be at the airport to see ya'll....We have many questions to ask at a later time. Your daughter is beautiful and we look forward to meeting her. Sorry we ahve not posted sooner. Your blog has been the first thing we've checked everyday when we get home.
Scott and Leah Stover

Teresa Persons said...


A therapist once told me to try playing quietly on the floor w/ Mikayla's toys in hopes she would notice and become curious. The goal was for her to gradually start playing alongside me. She stressed that I was not to try to engage or interact with her. Having her play quietly beside me was a great first step in bonding. Thought I would mention it in case you had not tried it. I'm praying! The day will soon come all will fall in place and she will become Daddy's little girl!!!!

Teresa P.

Anonymous said...

Jason wants to know if Julianna has a nightlight? He and Jessica both still like to sleep with one.

Anonymous said...

Phillip - Although we have not met, I wish you and your wife and Julianna good luck and safe travels. My wife and I are friends of Scott and Leah Stover. Scott sent me a link to your blog. We have two daughters, age 9 and 7. When the youngest was born, she would nothing to do with me for six months! She was all about Mom. She warmed up after six months and everything was fine. We will keep your family in our prayers. Please let us know of anything we can do to help you. God's blessings...

- John Greaves